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Preventive Oncological Screening

Nutritional therapy at MY CLINIC 03.25.2024

Nutritional therapy deals with nutrition as a field of medicine. As opposed to nutritional advisers, a nutritional therapist is a healthcare specialist who has graduated from a technical college or university in the field of Nutritional Therapy. A nutritional therapist can help you achieve an overall healthy lifestyle or make nutritional choices appropriate for various illnesses such as digestive problems, excess weight and obesity, or high levels of cholesterol or uric acid. In the case of alternative philosophies when it comes to eating, he/she will ensure your diet is nutritionally balanced.

Our doctors and therapists take a holistic approach to treatment in a biological and psychological context. Our relationship with our clients is based on providing sufficient time for every examination, understanding, and respect. At our clinic you will find a friendly atmosphere accompanied by a feeling of safety and mutual trust. Our doctors and therapists work closely with other specialists at My Clinic. If the need for a specialist arises, you don't need to waste valuable time as all necessary care can be provided in one place.

Limited-time offer: "New Beginning 2024"

Until 20th of June 2024 I am offering you a comprehensive programme for the discounted price of CZK 6,600. The programme includes three one-hour visits that contain:

  • conducting a comprehensive assessment of your overall and nutritional history, and in case of need/client interest, measurement using bioimpedance scales
  • a specific "tailor-made" plan for weight loss/weight gain/food and nutrient composition, sample menus
  • follow-up: a review of the current direction and changes going forward


If you’re interested, you can first try a half-hour "taste of our service” for the special price of CZK 1,550.

Our approach

Our nutritional therapist, Tereza Agnew, MA, DiS approaches nutritional therapy with a holistic perspective on the unique situation of every client. Aside from evidence-based medicine, she is also interested in traditional Chinese medicine tested over thousands of years, which she studied for several years. She looks for connections with the client's constitution, circadian rhythm, sleep, mental well-being/problems, physical activity, and other aspects of daily life.

Have you reached the conclusion that you need a lifestyle change? You're not exactly eating ideally, you don't get enough exercise, you don't feel well overall? Are you dealing with specific health problems?
Everyone is different and everything has a solution. It's all about finding the direction that's right for you...
By letting someone help you, you'll already have shown how strong you are.

Let's work together to change what is preventing you from having a healthier and happier life.

I'm looking forward to meeting you!

As part of our consulting service we offer

  • Assessing your overall physical and mental health and eating habits.
  • Looking for the causes of your current condition. Where, when, and why you "lost your way".
  • Identifying habits that are no longer useful to you.
  • Finding your inner certainty/balance.
  • Determining what foods are right for you and your constitution.
  • Discovering appropriate physical activity as a key part of life.
  • Help with identifying how you want to feel physically and mentally, and what you would like to achieve.

We will reach your goal together by taking specific steps, and in a way that is sustainable over the long term.

The health-related topics that I help clients with include:

  • Overweight, obesity, metabolic syndrome, glucose tolerance disorder, bloating, diarrhoea, acid reflux, menopause diet, anti-inflammatory diet.
  • Hypertension diet, type II diabetes, dyslipidemia diet, low-fat diet, low-purine diet, low-residue diet, sparing diet.

Client line img +420 222 900 900

Po - Čt 7.30-18.00, Pá 7.30-16.00
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