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Preventive Oncological Screening
Doktor MUDr. Klára Frantová

MUDr. Klára Frantová

General Practitioner

Book your appointment
Czech, English

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experience


Certified general practitioner


Residency at an adult general health clinic – physician in pre-certification training in the field of general medicine, completion of certification training,
MUDr. Youngová & spol. Prague – emergency and preventative general health care for adults


Residency at an adult general health clinic – physician in pre-certification training in the field of general medicine – Frýdek-Místek


Residency at the Department of Internal Medicine, Slaný Hospital – general care in the field of internal medicine at the inpatient department of a district hospital and at the internal medicine ICU




Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine, General Medicine


Certification in the field of general medicine

Professional Activities

Internships and Training Courses


Internship in medical treatment and assistance services, APLA Prague


Internship at an adult general health clinic, MUDr. Agnesa Vargová, Odolena Voda


Clinical internship in Kenya – Itibo Hospital and ADRA ČR project – work as a volunteer in delivering primary and emergency health care in a medical facility in a remote rural area in Africa in the framework of a humanitarian project


Clinical internship in Lithuania – ERASMUS Programme – Internship in the framework of preparation for the state rigorosum examination in the field of surgery in Kaunas, surgery, urology, anaesthesiology, and resuscitation

Curriculum Vitae



Charles University in Prague, Third Faculty of Medicine, General Medicine


Certification in the field of general medicine

Professional Experience


Certified general practitioner


Residency at an adult general health clinic – physician in pre-certification training in the field of general medicine, completion of certification training,
MUDr. Youngová & spol. Prague – emergency and preventative general health care for adults


Residency at an adult general health clinic – physician in pre-certification training in the field of general medicine – Frýdek-Místek


Residency at the Department of Internal Medicine, Slaný Hospital – general care in the field of internal medicine at the inpatient department of a district hospital and at the internal medicine ICU

Professional Activities

Internships and Training Courses


Internship in medical treatment and assistance services, APLA Prague


Internship at an adult general health clinic, MUDr. Agnesa Vargová, Odolena Voda


Clinical internship in Kenya – Itibo Hospital and ADRA ČR project – work as a volunteer in delivering primary and emergency health care in a medical facility in a remote rural area in Africa in the framework of a humanitarian project


Clinical internship in Lithuania – ERASMUS Programme – Internship in the framework of preparation for the state rigorosum examination in the field of surgery in Kaunas, surgery, urology, anaesthesiology, and resuscitation

Book your appointment