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Preventive Oncological Screening


Healthcare Programs for Children

We provide comprehensive medical care for your children from birth up to 18 years of age. The responsibility for health lies in the prevention and the treatment of acute health problems.


Paediatricians at MY CLINIC

Paediatrics is a branch of internal medicine dealing with the health care of infants, children and adolescents up to the age of 18.

At MY CLINIC, your children are cared for by a team of experienced paediatricians with postgraduate certification with many years of experience in the children's ward of hospitals and the paediatric outpatient medical facilities.

We designed the MY CLINIC environment so that you and your children feel comfortable. We reserve enough time for each examination and subsequent consultation.

What and How Does Paeditrics Treat?

Medical care for children differs in many ways from treatment for adults. Childhood is a period of growth, development and maturation of all organs of the human body. Recognition of correct development and timely detection of possible developmental defects requires specific education and sufficient experience of the examining physician.

We provide comprehensive medical care for your children up to 18 years old. The basis is preventive examinations and, of course, the treatment of acute health problems. Preventive examinations play an irreplaceable role in the healthy development of your children, therefore we perform them at our clinic every year. They make it possible not only to detect any incipient deviations from healthy development in good time, whether it is proper posture, good eyesight or hearing, but they can also point out more serious diseases. The sooner differences from healthy development are captured, the higher is the probability of successful treatment or correction of identified deviations.

We put great emphasis on proper development right from the birth of the child. We provide a number of specific services for mothers of newborns, including visits of an experienced lactation counsellor at home or telephone consultations. In co-operation with our orthopaedic specialists, we provide neonatal hip screening within MY CLINIC.

An equally important part of the care of paediatric patients are mandatory and above-standard vaccinations. Not only do we arrange the vaccination ourselves, but we will be happy to discuss the suitability of vaccination for your children with you.

Our Approach

We want you and your children to feel comfortable and safe at MY CLINIC. Our premises feature a modern design with abundant space. There are two separate waiting rooms. One of them is reserved for healthy children who come for a preventative health check, and the other serves for sick patients. The design, decorations, and furnishings in our offices and waiting rooms are
adapted to our young patients. We want to make sure that your children feel comfortable.

At MY CLINIC, ample time is allotted to examinations and follow-up consultations to ensure maximum comfort on the patient's part. We offer the option of arranging an appointment for a specific time to reduce waiting time to a minimum.

Examinations are carried out using state-of-the-art instruments:

  • PlusOptix – A vision screening device used for preventative eye examinations of preschool children on an annual basis or upon request. PlusOptix serves for diagnosing vision disorders, such as amblyopia.
  • Dräger Jaundice Meter – A device measuring bilirubin level in infants suffering from infant jaundice. The procedure is non-invasive and consists of placing a probe on the chest or the forehead.
  • CRP Test and StrepTest – Tests detecting bacterial and streptococcus infections. The tests are performed on premises using a QuikRead Go point-of-care device or a mobile device during a visit to the patient’s home.
  • Otoscope and Ophthalmoscope – Devices for conducting basic ENT and optical examinations by a paediatrician. They serve for diagnosing ear infections, detecting ear canal obstructions, examining the optical fundus, and much more.
  • Audiometry – General hearing examination carried out during annual health checks in children mature enough to cooperate.
  • Oximeter – A device measuring the blood oxygen level during acute respiratory distress or serious conditions and infections. The oxygen level is measured in all patients experiencing serious medical issues.

MY CLINIC offices are equipped with rapid urine test kits, modern optotypes for eye examinations of school-age children, and accurate equipment for measuring height and weight. All devices at MY CLINIC carry a quality certificate. They are maintained in perfect condition to ensure complete safety. 

Baby Handling

You know how important the first phases of your baby's life are, and what key challenges they can bring to your entire family. To help you bond with your baby and support its harmonic development, we're introducing a new service - Baby Handling.

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A Course In Giving First Aid To Children

The goal of this two-hour course is to learn the basics of giving First Aid to children from when they come home from the maternity hospital until adulthood. The course provides practical advice and procedures for handling emergency situations, including hands-on training.

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We pay great attention to the expertise and empathy of our doctors and nurses. All doctors are experts in the field of paediatrics and have many years of practical experience. 

We work closely with other specialists within MY CLINIC. Thanks to this, we can offer a wide range of professional paediatric examinations from hip screening in newborns (in co-operation with orthopaedics) through nasal tonsil examinations (in co-operation with ENT) to diagnostic examinations (we have the equipment to perform sonographic examinations).  The ENT specialist is equipped with the latest endoscopic devices. Examinations are thus minimally invasive and do not cause much harm to our examined clients.

The strong point of our facility is a multi-member mental health team, in which a child and adult psychiatrist, psychotherapist and psychologist are engaged. There is also a large team of rehabilitation workers - specialists in pediatric physiotherapy and ergotherapy. The great advantage is the fact that you will find everything comfortably under one roof. 

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