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Preventive Oncological Screening
Doktor MUDr. Magdaléna Sazamová

MUDr. Magdaléna Sazamová

Internist, Nephrologist

Book your appointment
Czech, English, German

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experience


Canadian Medical s.r.o., Staff physician
RFE/RL Medical Facility – Occupational health services, general practitioner; Canadian Medical s.r.o. AFI and The Park outpatient care – Nephrology and internal medicine specialist


BBraun Bulovka Prague Haemodialysis Centre, Staff physician and instructor in the field of nephrology and internal medicine
Internal medicine and nephrology outpatient care, kidney function substitution: haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, ICU intensive care, transplantation programme


General University Hospital in Prague, Department of Internal Medicine Strahov, Staff physician and head physician of emergency service
Internal medicine inpatient care, internal medicine and vascular outpatient care, nephrology inpatient and outpatient care, dialysis – kidney function substitution – acute and chronic treatment, intensive medicine


International internships


Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Germany


General Practitioner's Office, Wytham Hall Oxford Street, London, United Kingdom

1998, 1997, 1996

Kreiskrankenhaus Garmisch-Parten Kirchen, Internistische und




Charles University Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, General Medicine

Certification exams: Specialized competence in the field of internal medicine and in the field of nephrology,
Specialized competence in the field of general practice medicine
Head physician's license in the field of internal medicine

Curriculum Vitae



Charles University Prague, First Faculty of Medicine, General Medicine

Certification exams: Specialized competence in the field of internal medicine and in the field of nephrology,
Specialized competence in the field of general practice medicine
Head physician's license in the field of internal medicine

Professional Experience


Canadian Medical s.r.o., Staff physician
RFE/RL Medical Facility – Occupational health services, general practitioner; Canadian Medical s.r.o. AFI and The Park outpatient care – Nephrology and internal medicine specialist


BBraun Bulovka Prague Haemodialysis Centre, Staff physician and instructor in the field of nephrology and internal medicine
Internal medicine and nephrology outpatient care, kidney function substitution: haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, ICU intensive care, transplantation programme


General University Hospital in Prague, Department of Internal Medicine Strahov, Staff physician and head physician of emergency service
Internal medicine inpatient care, internal medicine and vascular outpatient care, nephrology inpatient and outpatient care, dialysis – kidney function substitution – acute and chronic treatment, intensive medicine


International internships


Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, Germany


General Practitioner's Office, Wytham Hall Oxford Street, London, United Kingdom

1998, 1997, 1996

Kreiskrankenhaus Garmisch-Parten Kirchen, Internistische und

Book your appointment