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Preventive Oncological Screening
Doktor Ing. Bc. Lucie Garnham

Ing. Bc. Lucie Garnham


Book your appointment
Czech, English

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experience


Physio LuGa, Prague


VO2max, Prague
Various MSK cases


Centre of Complexive Care Samova, Prague
Patients with back problems (acute lumbago, chronic neck/lower back pain, radicular syndrome, disc herniation, spondylolisthesis etc.); Orthopedic patients after surgery /injury or before surgery; MSK disorders; Gynecologic patients (functional sterility, pelvic floor disorders, IVF); Adolescent patients since 12 years old (scoliosis, flat feet, tendinopathy, injury); Athletes


Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague
Inpatient and outpatient treatment on daily basis; Inpatient care of patients with internal diseases and after surgeries (heart, kidney, liver, pancreas, pancreatic islets transplant, diabetic foot surgeries, limb amputation, lower extremity bypass); ICU treatment of patients with sepsis, MODS, Covid, ..; Outpatient care of people with MSK disorders, orthopedic patients, neurological patiens (Parkinson’s disease, Bell’s palsy, stroke, radicular syndromes, peripheral neuropathy), adolescent patients; Physical therapy (laser, ultrasound, electrotherapy)


Rehabilitation Hospital of Beroun
Physiotherapist assistant
Inpatient and outpatient setting; Orthopedic patients after surgeries or injuries (hip/knee joint replacement, knee/shoulder ASK, back surgerries, polytrauma, fractures, ligament/tendon/muscle tear); Neurological patients (Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Bell’s palsy, stroke, ataxia, ALS, radicular syndromes, peripheral neuropathy); MSK disorders; Leading gym classes and swimming pool sessions




University of West Bohemia – BSc Business Administration


University of Chemnitz – Erasmus Business Administration


University of Economics in Prague – MBA Management – Specialization: Managerial Psychology and Sociology
Bachelor thesis: Case study of physiotherapy treatment of a patient with MODS and Covid-19 in case history (during my clinical placement at the ICU at Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague)


Charles University – BSc Physiotherapy
Bachelor thesis: Case study of physiotherapy treatment of a patient with MODS and Covid-19 in case history (during my clinical placement at the ICU at Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague)

Professional Activities

Additional Education and Experience


Pilates Teacher Training – Pilates Academy Prague


Yoga Teacher Training – Karma Yoga Prague


Mechanical Diagnostic and Therapy – McKenzie Institute Czech Republic
    Part C: Advanced Lumbar Spine and Extremities – Lower Limb
    Part B: Cervical and Thoracic Spine
    Part A: Lumbar Spine


Yoga Teacher Training – Dům Jogy in Hlavica „Spiral Yoga“ – based on Iyengar yoga and spiral dynamics principles


Tzvika Greenbaum BPT, MaPT, PhD.: Temporomandibular Disorders


Tom Goom: Running Repairs (online, currently attending)

Curriculum Vitae



University of West Bohemia – BSc Business Administration


University of Chemnitz – Erasmus Business Administration


University of Economics in Prague – MBA Management – Specialization: Managerial Psychology and Sociology
Bachelor thesis: Case study of physiotherapy treatment of a patient with MODS and Covid-19 in case history (during my clinical placement at the ICU at Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague)


Charles University – BSc Physiotherapy
Bachelor thesis: Case study of physiotherapy treatment of a patient with MODS and Covid-19 in case history (during my clinical placement at the ICU at Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine in Prague)

Professional Experience


Physio LuGa, Prague


VO2max, Prague
Various MSK cases


Centre of Complexive Care Samova, Prague
Patients with back problems (acute lumbago, chronic neck/lower back pain, radicular syndrome, disc herniation, spondylolisthesis etc.); Orthopedic patients after surgery /injury or before surgery; MSK disorders; Gynecologic patients (functional sterility, pelvic floor disorders, IVF); Adolescent patients since 12 years old (scoliosis, flat feet, tendinopathy, injury); Athletes


Institute for Clinical and Experimental Medicine, Prague
Inpatient and outpatient treatment on daily basis; Inpatient care of patients with internal diseases and after surgeries (heart, kidney, liver, pancreas, pancreatic islets transplant, diabetic foot surgeries, limb amputation, lower extremity bypass); ICU treatment of patients with sepsis, MODS, Covid, ..; Outpatient care of people with MSK disorders, orthopedic patients, neurological patiens (Parkinson’s disease, Bell’s palsy, stroke, radicular syndromes, peripheral neuropathy), adolescent patients; Physical therapy (laser, ultrasound, electrotherapy)


Rehabilitation Hospital of Beroun
Physiotherapist assistant
Inpatient and outpatient setting; Orthopedic patients after surgeries or injuries (hip/knee joint replacement, knee/shoulder ASK, back surgerries, polytrauma, fractures, ligament/tendon/muscle tear); Neurological patients (Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Bell’s palsy, stroke, ataxia, ALS, radicular syndromes, peripheral neuropathy); MSK disorders; Leading gym classes and swimming pool sessions

Professional Activities

Additional Education and Experience


Pilates Teacher Training – Pilates Academy Prague


Yoga Teacher Training – Karma Yoga Prague


Mechanical Diagnostic and Therapy – McKenzie Institute Czech Republic
    Part C: Advanced Lumbar Spine and Extremities – Lower Limb
    Part B: Cervical and Thoracic Spine
    Part A: Lumbar Spine


Yoga Teacher Training – Dům Jogy in Hlavica „Spiral Yoga“ – based on Iyengar yoga and spiral dynamics principles


Tzvika Greenbaum BPT, MaPT, PhD.: Temporomandibular Disorders


Tom Goom: Running Repairs (online, currently attending)

Book your appointment