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Preventive Oncological Screening

MUDr. Marek Šlais

Vascular Surgeon

Book your appointment
Czech, English

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experience


Department of Vascular Surgery, Motol University Hospital Vascular Surgery Specialist
Diagnosing and performing surgical procedures for vascular conditions, such as carotid and peripheral artery disorders, abdominal aortic aneurysms, varicose veins, and reconstruction of vascular wounds


Cévní Centrum s.r.o. – Malvazinky Hospital and Asklepion Clinic, Prague
Aesthetic and comprehensive endovenous ablation of varicose veins, duplex ultrasound diagnosis, proctor for laser treatment of varicose veins and sclerotherapy


Department of Vascular Surgery, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague Vascular Surgery Specialist
Application of modern varicose vein treatment methods with ultrasound navigation
Endovenous ablation – international proctoring for VNUS ClosureFast radiofrequency ablation
Experience with EVLA, MoCA, USGFS, VenaSeal medical glue vein treatment
3,000 endovenous surgeries
Comprehensive diagnosis and surgery of vascular conditions, specialization in diabetic complications, 1,500 vascular surgeries
Endovascular procedures, 20 stent graft implantations


II. Surgical Clinic - Cardiovascular Surgery, General University Hospital and First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University
Internship in the field of vascular surgery and cardio surgery

Membership in Professional Societies

European Society for Vascular Surgery
Czech Society for Cardiovascular Surgery




Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine


Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Specialized plastic surgery internship


First certification in the field of surgery


Specialized certification in the field of vascular surgery


Duplex ultrasound certificate, Department of Internal Medicine II, General University Hospital and First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University


Texas Medical Centre, Houston, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, One-month specialized internship


RFA VNUS ClosureFast Certificate – endovenous treatment of varicose veins


Micro-Sclerotherapy Training Course Certificate – Munich, Germany


Foam Sclerotherapy Workshop Certificate, Dr. Obermayer, Melk, Austria


VenaSeal Truncal Vein Glue Treatment Certificate, Medtronic


CVD online - průvodce léčbou a akreditovaný kurz ČLK - multioborová léčba křečových žil 2022

Rohn, V., Slais, M., Kotulak, T., Psenicka, M. (2008). Pulmonary Valve Replacement for Pacing Electrodes Related Bacterial Endocarditis. Ann. Thorac. Surg. 85: 2128-2130

Slais M, Taborsky J, Novotny K, Vanek I.
Popliteal artery aneurysms--acute ischemic complications]
Rozhl Chir. 2003 May;82(5):261-3. Czech.

Slais M., Spaček M., Rohn V., Mitas P., Tosovsky J.
Prague Medical Report / Vol. 108 (2007) No. 2, p. 000-000
Posterior Elbow Dislocation Combined with Subadventitial Rupture of the Brachial Artery: Interposition with the Use of the Autologous Basilic Vein.

Grus T, Lindner J, Slais M, Vanek I.
Thoracic outlet syndrome. An atypical etiology in a typical location]
Rozhl Chir. 2003 Jan;82(1):32-3. Czech.

Lindner J, Semrad M, Novotny K, Slais M, Vanek I.The in situ saphenous vein--more possibilities for vascular reconstruction?]
Rozhl Chir. 2002 Apr;81(4):178-82. Czech.

ŠLAIS, M. - MITÁŠ, P. - ŠTÁDLER, P. Vícenásobná sekvenční revaskularizace infrapopliteálních tepen při záchraně kriticky ischemické končetiny. Rozhledy v chirurgii , 2010, roč. 89, č. 1, s. 59-63. ISSN 0035-9351.

Modern methods of varicous vein therapy, XXV World Congress of the International Union of Angiology. Prague, CZ, 01.07.2012 - 05.07.2012.

RFA VNUS Closure fast workshop, Moderní terapie
křečových žil, Angioforum April 2015, Brno

RFA VNUS ClosureFast workshops, multiple Czech and Slovak vascular congreses 2013 - 2016

Sclerotherapy Workshop, Angiologické sympozium 2014, Mikulov

Miniinvazivní přístupy v cévní chirurgii, Štádler a kol. autor kapitoly Léčba křečových žil
Maxdorf 2013

ŠLAIS, M. - ŠTÁDLER, P. Techniky vícenásobné sekvenční revaskularizace při záchraně kriticky ischemické končetiny. Central European Vascular Forum, 2009, roč. 8, č. 1, s. 47. ISSN 1214-3901. Abstrakt: XXXIV.Angiologické dny s mezinárodní účastí, Hotel Diplomat, Praha, 26.2.-28.2.2009.

Curriculum Vitae



Charles University in Prague, First Faculty of Medicine


Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil
Specialized plastic surgery internship


First certification in the field of surgery


Specialized certification in the field of vascular surgery


Duplex ultrasound certificate, Department of Internal Medicine II, General University Hospital and First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University


Texas Medical Centre, Houston, Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery, One-month specialized internship


RFA VNUS ClosureFast Certificate – endovenous treatment of varicose veins


Micro-Sclerotherapy Training Course Certificate – Munich, Germany


Foam Sclerotherapy Workshop Certificate, Dr. Obermayer, Melk, Austria


VenaSeal Truncal Vein Glue Treatment Certificate, Medtronic

Professional Experience


Department of Vascular Surgery, Motol University Hospital Vascular Surgery Specialist
Diagnosing and performing surgical procedures for vascular conditions, such as carotid and peripheral artery disorders, abdominal aortic aneurysms, varicose veins, and reconstruction of vascular wounds


Cévní Centrum s.r.o. – Malvazinky Hospital and Asklepion Clinic, Prague
Aesthetic and comprehensive endovenous ablation of varicose veins, duplex ultrasound diagnosis, proctor for laser treatment of varicose veins and sclerotherapy


Department of Vascular Surgery, Na Homolce Hospital, Prague Vascular Surgery Specialist
Application of modern varicose vein treatment methods with ultrasound navigation
Endovenous ablation – international proctoring for VNUS ClosureFast radiofrequency ablation
Experience with EVLA, MoCA, USGFS, VenaSeal medical glue vein treatment
3,000 endovenous surgeries
Comprehensive diagnosis and surgery of vascular conditions, specialization in diabetic complications, 1,500 vascular surgeries
Endovascular procedures, 20 stent graft implantations


II. Surgical Clinic - Cardiovascular Surgery, General University Hospital and First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University
Internship in the field of vascular surgery and cardio surgery

Membership in Professional Societies

European Society for Vascular Surgery
Czech Society for Cardiovascular Surgery


CVD online - průvodce léčbou a akreditovaný kurz ČLK - multioborová léčba křečových žil 2022

Rohn, V., Slais, M., Kotulak, T., Psenicka, M. (2008). Pulmonary Valve Replacement for Pacing Electrodes Related Bacterial Endocarditis. Ann. Thorac. Surg. 85: 2128-2130

Slais M, Taborsky J, Novotny K, Vanek I.
Popliteal artery aneurysms--acute ischemic complications]
Rozhl Chir. 2003 May;82(5):261-3. Czech.

Slais M., Spaček M., Rohn V., Mitas P., Tosovsky J.
Prague Medical Report / Vol. 108 (2007) No. 2, p. 000-000
Posterior Elbow Dislocation Combined with Subadventitial Rupture of the Brachial Artery: Interposition with the Use of the Autologous Basilic Vein.

Grus T, Lindner J, Slais M, Vanek I.
Thoracic outlet syndrome. An atypical etiology in a typical location]
Rozhl Chir. 2003 Jan;82(1):32-3. Czech.

Lindner J, Semrad M, Novotny K, Slais M, Vanek I.The in situ saphenous vein--more possibilities for vascular reconstruction?]
Rozhl Chir. 2002 Apr;81(4):178-82. Czech.

ŠLAIS, M. - MITÁŠ, P. - ŠTÁDLER, P. Vícenásobná sekvenční revaskularizace infrapopliteálních tepen při záchraně kriticky ischemické končetiny. Rozhledy v chirurgii , 2010, roč. 89, č. 1, s. 59-63. ISSN 0035-9351.

Modern methods of varicous vein therapy, XXV World Congress of the International Union of Angiology. Prague, CZ, 01.07.2012 - 05.07.2012.

RFA VNUS Closure fast workshop, Moderní terapie
křečových žil, Angioforum April 2015, Brno

RFA VNUS ClosureFast workshops, multiple Czech and Slovak vascular congreses 2013 - 2016

Sclerotherapy Workshop, Angiologické sympozium 2014, Mikulov

Miniinvazivní přístupy v cévní chirurgii, Štádler a kol. autor kapitoly Léčba křečových žil
Maxdorf 2013

ŠLAIS, M. - ŠTÁDLER, P. Techniky vícenásobné sekvenční revaskularizace při záchraně kriticky ischemické končetiny. Central European Vascular Forum, 2009, roč. 8, č. 1, s. 47. ISSN 1214-3901. Abstrakt: XXXIV.Angiologické dny s mezinárodní účastí, Hotel Diplomat, Praha, 26.2.-28.2.2009.

Book your appointment