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Preventive Oncological Screening

Endocrinology for children

Paediatric endocrinology at MY CLINIC

Endocrinology is a medical sector dealing with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the endocrine glands. Paediatric endocrinology focuses primarily on disorders affecting children’s growth and adolescence, while also investigating and treating thyroid disease and obesity.

Comprehensive diagnostics and treatment

  • Child growth disorders
  • Adolescent disorders (timing and course of puberty, gynecomastia, hirsutism, gender dysphoria)
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland and parathyroid glands
  • Obesity

Diagnostic instruments and tests

Our clinic is equipped with modern devices and technologies for quick and accurate diagnosis. We provide in-house outpatient ultrasound examinations of the thyroid and parathyroid glands, blood sampling and measurement of hormone levels.

We arrange specialised diagnostics such as CT, MRI, SPECT, radionuclide and molecular biological methods with partner establishments in Prague.

Information for clients / preparation for examination

For a first appointment, please prepare data on the child’s growth from preventive examinations by the paediatrician, i.e. the height and weight of the child. At the appointment, we will first discuss the problems, the medical history of the family and the child, then conduct a medical examination and finally reflect on the possible causes of the problems, further diagnostic procedures and treatment options. It is possible that the child will need a blood test or a thyroid ultrasound. It is also advisable to bring the results of previous tests, if available.

We reserve ample time for the examination and discussion with parents and children who are clients. Our goal is always to ensure that the entire examination takes place in a calm and friendly.

Thyroid ultrasound

This examination does not require any special preparation besides removing jewellery and clothing from the neck. Older children are usually examined lying on their backs but younger children can be sitting in their parent’s lap (for indicative examination).