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Preventive Oncological Screening

Second opinion

We’re offering you a service where you’ll receive a second opinion from a doctor who will provide a professional perspective on your diagnosis and treatment plan.

Our doctors will carefully review your medical records from past examinations, discuss your problems with you, and provide an independent and reasoned opinion that will help you make a better decision or give you peace of mind.

This service is ideal for those who want to be certain regarding their diagnosis and current or proposed treatment.

A consultation with a doctor from the field of general/internal medicine, paediatrics (60 minutes), or from some other fields of medicine (cardiology, urology etc.) costs CZK 3,650.
A follow-up consultation (30 minutes) costs CZK 2,000.
The price for service varies for ophthalmology, orthopaedics, and rheumatology.

Take advantage of this offer to have peace of mind and certainty.

Client line img +420 222 900 900

Po - Čt 7.30-18.00, Pá 7.30-16.00
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