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Preventive Oncological Screening

Special summer prevention programmes

In today’s world, prevention is taking on increasing importance. Timely detection of disease speeds up treatment and increases the chances of complete recovery. That’s why we’ve put together special summer programmes consisting of several preventive examinations spanning various fields of medicine for a special price.


These programmes are available only in July and August and are suited for all age groups.

Summer Prevention

The Summer Prevention programme consists of an internal examination (medical history, risk factors, EKG), an abdominal ultrasound, custom blood tests (differential blood count, ions, glycemia, lipids, liver and kidney function, thyroid hormones), urinalysis, and a dermatological examination (skin cancer prevention, mole check)..

The programme costs CZK 9,890.


Summer Prevention Plus

The Summer Prevention Plus programme contains all the above plus a comprehensive eye exam including measurement of intra-ocular pressure, examination of the front segment and the retina, OCT examination (used to diagnose diseases of the retina and optical nerve) that also serves for early detection of glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other diseases.

The Plus programme costs CZK 14,790.


We’ll help you prevent illness in a timely manner through high-quality preventive examinations! We’re here for you!

Those with the My Exclusive annual programme have all these preventive measures available for free as part of their membership.
 Those with the My Personal annual programme have preventive screening by a general practitioner available for free as part of their membership. Abdominal ultrasound and comprehensive eye exam are available with 20 % discount.

Client line img +420 222 900 900

Po - Čt 7.30-18.00, Pá 7.30-16.00
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