Vitamins are an essential part of our body's immunity and repair mechanisms; their insufficiency can be caused by chronic inflammation, chronic stress, or poor lifestyle (especially an unbalance diet or extreme physical or mental stress).
A lack of vitamins can result in increased fatigue, slower healing of injuries, and increased susceptibility to viral and bacterial infections.
Intravenous (IV) vitamin therapy is used to both improve the body's regenerative mechanisms in the presence of physical or mental stress and as a preventive measure.
We offer either single-vitamin IV drips or mixtures of various vitamins and minerals.
Prior to therapy you always need to be examined by one of our doctors, who will determine the right ingredients for you and how often they should be administered in view of the type of difficulties you are having.
IV vitamin drips are suitable for almost every adult, because they also have a preventive effect, boost immunity, and improve the body's regenerative processes.
They help to regenerate the body in the presence of physical or mental stress, heal wounds, create red blood cells, keep bones and blood vessels healthy, ensure proper enzyme functionality, keep nerve cells healthy, and help increase resistance to stress and depression.
Because the vitamins used are water-soluble, the body will take in precisely the quantity it needs.
The price of the therapy varies from CZK 1,200 CZK to CZK 1,500 depending on the composition of the drip. Before administering the infusion, a consultation with a physician is required, and possibly also blood tests (not included in the price of the infusion therapy).
The therapy is always preceded by a check-up by our GP, who will determine the proper ingredients for the IV drip and the frequency of administration.
Sometimes blood tests are also needed. The doctor will also recommend appropriate long-term dietary measures and, if needed, vitamin supplements in the form of tablets or drops.
IV administration lasts roughly 30-45 minutes. It is a painless therapy during which the client rests.
Mon - Thu 7.30-18.00, Fri 7.30-16.00