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Preventive Oncological Screening

News from physical medicine at My Clinic 11.21.2023

I would like to introduce our highly qualified team of adult and paediatric therapists in the fields of rehabilitation, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy.

Children's therapists deal with issues based on a child's neuromotor development. Aside from the Vojta method and the Bobath concept, I would also like to highlight sensory integration, which is still rare at rehabilitation clinics, and not commonly available.


What is sensory integration?

This therapeutic approach was developed by American occupational therapist Anna Jean Ayres in the 1970s. The term describes processes in the brain that allow us to receive information from our senses, organize them, and react to them appropriately. The unique nature of this process lies in its very natural and fun form, which is offered by a broad range of activities and games, which allow children to gain experience with their own body and their environment. These experiences are key for further learning processes and not only in the activities themselves (reading, writing, counting), but also in adroitness, social skills, organization, and self-control. This method allows therapy to be customized to the wishes and expectations of the child while simultaneously allowing the therapist to set goals.

Our therapists have been trained by experienced US and German instructors within the international certified CLASI-CASI programme.

As part of comprehensive rehabilitation for children, at My Clinic we consider interdisciplinary cooperation between physiotherapy and ergotherapy to be very important.

We use international diagnostic tests that assess a child's sensory processes or motor functions to create an individual, customized therapeutic plan for your child.

If your child is experiencing any of the following problems:

perhaps he/she has a problem with sensory integration. We test for sensory integration problems from infancy.

Sensory Integration Testing

Sensory processing diagnosis is performed using selected EASI subtests for roughly one hour. Then we evaluate the testing and give you a detailed report containing specific results.

This test, which comprises 20 sub-tests, can evaluate in detail areas of sensory development, for example those identified by the SPM 2 questionnaire. EASI measures sensory perception as well as postural, ocular, and bilateral motor integration, practice, and sensory creativity. EASI tests are intended for children between three and twelve years of age.

If your child is experiencing any of the following problems: 

there may be a problem with coordination of fine and gross motor skills and dyspraxia.

Testing for Motor Disorders

MABC 2 Test
This is a standard test for evaluating motor skills in children. The test consists of movement tasks and is intended for children as young as three. The MABC 2 test is capable of evaluating the degree and nature of motor difficulties, and based on this we can provide your child better and more targeted therapy. The test results are also used by other specialists such as educational psychology counsellors, psychologists, special educators, and speech therapists.

The test takes an hour and is then evaluated by a therapist.

To assess psychomotoric development in infants up to the age of one year, we use:

Your children will receive the best care and attention from the My Clinic rehabilitation team:

For more information about rehabilitation and physiotherapy for children, see the website.

The team of rehabilitation and physiotherapy for adults

consists of experienced professionals proficient in a wide range of techniques and methodologies:

For more information about rehabilitation and physiotherapy for adults, see the website.

You can make a rehabilitation, physiotherapy, or ergotherapy appointment for your child or yourself directly, without a doctor's recommendation.

We look forward to seeing you!

Ingrid Svačinková
Head of physiotherapy and ergotherapy


Client line img +420 222 900 900

Mon - Thu 7.30-18.00, Fri 7.30-16.00